Thursday, November 09, 2006

It's Mark Kirk over Dan Seals in a Victory for IL-10

I'm tired, I have the sniffles, and I've fallen asleep several times over the past few days at both the computer and while sitting up watching TV, all as a result of on-the-fly last minute political blogging. Was it worth it? You bet.

Smelling trouble, in the last two weeks before the election Republican voters all over Illinois Tenth Congressional District decided enough was enough and started doing a little work for Congressman Mark Kirk. Contrast this effort with a year long campaign by Democrats for Dan Seals, and you get a mere glimpse of what Kirk's base would do if the Democrats again target the District with a candidate who not only doesn't have a clue what the district is about but also doesn't live here.

Cook County Clerk, David Orr, reports on his website that Mark Kirk beat Dan Seals with over a ten point spread. Despite Democrat emphasis on "count every vote," David Orr apparently got tired of counting with about 92% of the ballot counted, or maybe just stopped posting the results online. No explanation.

Will Dan Seals, the man without a past, go back to his life? Don't count on it. The Waukegan News-Sun is reporting

Seals should return to the political fray in two years, said state Sen. Terry Link, D-Waukegan, Lake County Democratic chairman. "I think he'll be back," he said. "I'm going to encourage him."

I hope not. There are too many questions that were never asked of Dan Seals and too many explanations lacking. Next time the Democrats should take the time and trouble to look for someone local, not a Barak Obama clone with good social skills sent over from DNC central casting with a message carefully crafted to pull in the maximum Hollywood left-of-liberal election buck.

There is some coverage of the election over at the Wilmette Life; g0 have a look there provided you go directly after the election. Wilmette Life links go dead fast.

I always like those pictures of candidates at the polls, no matter what the party, and I'm always happy to see them. Interestingly enough, there are no pictures showing Dan Seals showing up at the polls to cast his vote. Kind of makes you wonder, doesn't it?

Previous posts on this race


  1. No vid of Dan Seals voting, but absolutely hilarious WGN-TV clip of Mark Kirk & wife getting super-testy when told they are not on the voting rolls!! (Click below and prepare to laugh heartily.) Looks like Mark Kirk DOESN'T LIVE IN THE DISTRICT!

    That's OK ... he doesn't want to run again there anyway ... knowing he will never win the 10th again, he is now angling for Durbin's seat. That should be a great race. Go, Kirk, Go!

  2. Dear Bwa,
    Sorry, Bwa, Mark Kirk DOES live in the district and what you said is wrong. I went to your link. I would suggest that you actually view the video, No one is getting testy, and his wife doesn't speak on the video. There is no indication that the Congressman doesn't live in the district. If you have never seen a friend or neighbor who has lived in the same house for may years and always voted at the same address disappear off the voting rolls, you haven't seen many elections or you haven't spent any time as a pollwatcher or election judge. That is what it means to vote on a provisional ballot.

    More interesting is how all the pictures of the address which Dan Seals used to file his initial campaign statements disappeared off the Cook County Assessor's website about a week before the election.


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