Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Cook County Property Taxes Leave Me Screaming

YES! That is me screaming again. I hear you too; you also must have gotten your Cook County real estate tax bill in the mail. How are you doing? My tax bill has far more than doubled in less than ten years. With the recession here, and pennies-in-the-purse looking more valuable by the day, I'm proud to say I'm not choosing between any candidates in the upcoming election who say there is no road other than higher taxes.

Well, I'm off to a bracing cup of tea. Perhaps it will take my mind off the fact that, coming from a family that has been middle class since they dreamed up the classification, I might be the first to slide down the slippery slope to poverty.


Blogger Publia said...

Somebody's paying a thousand a day in property taxes on a house in Glencoe? No. But to many I am sure it feels like that.

Actually, smaller houses pay proportionally more taxes than large houses, but how long can people remain comfortable with the increasing tax load whether their house is large or small?

Jan 28, 2010, 7:32:00 PM  

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