Chicago School Breakfast? What about Family Breakfast?
For the kids whose moms can't be bothered to give them something to eat before school in the morning, I image the school breakfast program will be a real blessing. I also imagine that number of moms is limited. Low income doesn't make a mother a bad mom. It never ceases to amaze me how politicians and society equate superior parenting with higher income. While it is true that more money gives more advantages, it certainly doesn't mean richer children are more loved or cared for better.
Frankly, I would think the children would do far better psychologically if they eat breakfast with their family, not at school. Eating breakfast with classmates is more like an orphanage or boarding school--or camp for that matter. I am surprised that some of the moms in the target areas aren't protesting the insult to their parenting skills.
I pasted up a picture that I used a couple of years ago when Chicago's Rev, Meeks brought a number of children over to New Trier to "register" to draw attention to problems in the Chicago Public schools. I am pretty sure these students are from the area where the free breakfasts will be served. I would note that every child is nicely dressed in clean, wrinkle-free clothing. Their hair is combed and styled. Might I suggest that these children also have a nice mom who makes sure her kids have something to eat before they go to school? While I am sure there are children who parents neglect them in the morning, I imagine that number is far lower than anyone thinks.