Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day: Honoring Americans

You are looking directly toward Omaha Beach and the English Channel from the cliffs above. I took this photo at the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial in Normandy, France, which is the final resting place for 9,387 American patriots . On June 6, 1944, in the dark days of World War II, 34,000 American troops landed at Omaha Beach as the largest contingent in the D-Day invasion of Normandy. On one day alone, 2,400 Americans were killed in combat.

These Americans died because they believed in securing freedom from the despotism of the Nazis. Today, thanks to the sacrifices of so many, Germany has again become a respected member of the family of nations, and secures fundamental human rights for its citizens.

On Memorial Day we commemorate the soldiers and sailors who paid the ultimate price as their gift to freedom, as we remember the more than one million Americans who died in combat since 1775.

The President of the American Legion has called upon all Americans, and in particular political candidates, to observe this day that honors our war dead, and not use it for political advantage. For that reason, we say nothing other than "Thank you."

Link to Normandy American Cemetery downloadable video and brochure

D-Day Chronology

D-Day Video from the History Channel

Previous posts with photos: Anilore Banon's D-Day Memorial; D-Day Plan; 62 Years After D-Day.


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