Dan Seals Partisans Attempt Google Bombing Aimed at Independent Republican Congressman Mark Kirk
If you have been following the Mark Kirk - Dan Seals contest in the 10th Congressional District of Illinois, you'll be struck by the charges on Democrat blogs that incumbent Mark Kirk has no thoughts other than those of the administration. That's a lie. You would think that the the Democrats would be happy enough pushing their tired old agenda which continues to fascinate them, rather than focusing on the opponent. I mean, if you're all about isolationist America, higher taxes, and the road to socialized medicine, why would you ever vote Republican?
By now you're wondering if I have any point at all to make, so without further ado, I share today's interesting finds, both about the upcoming election. The first is about "Google Bombing" by the Democrats, a concerted effort to try to influence search engines in favor of their party and their candidate. I wondered why in my Internet travels in search of election wisdom I saw so many blog posts about what articles to link to in your blog and precisely how to do it. Now I know and you can read about it for yourself here, here, here and here. The second find is that Mark Kirk is a pretty independent Congress guy, ranking 208 out of 245 members of Congress in loyalty according to the non-partisan Hill Monitor. (Hat tip: Marathon Pundit )
P.S. I have a very good pumpkin picture that I have repeatedly tried to upload but doesn't show. So if about 6 pictures mysteriously show up at the top of this blog, please don't think I've been partaking of Christmas spirits long before the season . . .
Update: Further research has revealed the diabolical plan:
It's not surprising that the "negative link" for Congressman Kirk is local CBS news. Ah yes, CBS news, that trusted, non-partisan source when it comes to elections; yeah. Oh, and the list of sites.* Step One: With help form readers at Dailykos and MyDD, I will compile a list of seventy article, one for each targeted race. Every article will focus on a different Republican candidate, and will be written by as generally trusted a news source as possible. It will also present as unflattering a view on the Republican candidate as possible. All of these articles will be placed into a database that I will maintain with the help of willing volunteers.
*Step Two: Once the database is complete, BlogPac will purchase Google Adwords that will place each negative article on the most common searches for each Republican candidate. Simultaneously, I will produce an article on MyDD that embeds that negative article into a hyperlink that names the Republican candidate. I will then send a copy of that post out to as many bloggers as possible, who can also place the post on their blogs. One posting of this article will be enough.
* Step Three: All further discussion of the Republican candidates in question on all participating blogs should include an embedded hyperlink that will increase the Google search rank of the article on the given candidate.